Weekly Newsletter 2/5/16

THE HOOT -  News from Ms. Lavoie’s Second Grade - 2/5/16

Hello Everyone,
Welcome February!  Second graders are continuing their study of solids, liquids, and gases.  Students are enjoying working with all the second grade teachers as they rotate from lesson to lesson.  Our rotation days are Wednesday and Friday afternoon until Rug Rats ends, and then we will revisit our schedule.  Homeroom teachers teach their lesson with their class at a time that fits with our individual schedules.
*Tower Building - (The Challenge) Students will use marshmallows and toothpicks to construct a tower that meets the criteria of.... The tower must be 30 cm tall. The tower must stand on its own for at least 15 seconds. They may only use the provided materials.
*Engineering Design - Build a Valentine Holder - Students use their knowledge of physical properties to build a holder that fits the specific criteria.  
*Mystery Balloons - Students explore unknown objects and substances inside balloons to list their physical properties and determine their state of matter.
Memoir Project- Along with this letter today you will find another letter explaining this project. It is a requirement for each student as they will be using the info they collect in writing during the weeks following February break. Everyone will be given two weeks to gather the information for this project. Next week which is a regular school week and the week of February vacation.  Choose the week that will work best for your child to gather the information needed for this project.  This can be a very meaningful experience for both students and the adult whose stories they record.  We hope you find this so!

I am also still in need of a drink, cups, plates and napkins for our Valentine’s Party.  Please let me know if you are able to contribute any of these things.  Thank you!
Gina Lavoie

Calendar of Events
2/8 -Monday -  Rug Rats PM - Pick up at 4:30
2/8 - Valentines can begin arriving
2/12 - Valentine Party
2/22- Memoire Project Notes due

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